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True friends are the ones who find you in the dark and bring you back to the light.

Many philosophical schools of thought agree that the way we think determines our destiny. But what is it that controls the way we think, that influences our worldview, that guides our emotional responses?

Would the same genetics be responsible? Then there would not be arguments between brothers and sisters, they would think the same way, dress the same, want the same food, dance to the same music. Would it be the same education that influences our thinking? Then the fate of classmates would be the same, or the entire student body of a particular school would live the same life. Might religious affiliation be the determining factor? What this statement has in common is the fact that followers of each religion stubbornly cling to their own image of God. If we look at it more closely, there are huge differences between two priests of the same religion, even in the way they manage their own flocks, even though their world views, their education are identical and they are accountable to the same boss on both the earthly and spiritual planes, yet the order of the mass is different, the funeral rites are different.

I have already mentioned Sir John Eccles in several of my writings, who received the Nobel Prize still back in the 1960s for proving that our thinking is influenced by certain vibrations coming from outer space. Which channel each individual is attuned to, which frequency is the same as his-her own vibration, is the direction their destiny takes, or more precisely, the way they react to particular events. These frequencies resonate within us, and knowing them, one can pinpoint exactly how we view God, what is our view of life, how we feel about certain things, but even our behavioural reactions are determined by which particular level we belong to. How these vibrational levels are structured was summarized by another scientist, Dr David R. Hawkins, in his emotional chart in the 1990s, which I have also written about.

How we react tells us which emotional level we are on, which emotion we are full to the brim with.

The emotional response to a challenge, to an unexpected situation, is independent of education, of culture, of intellect, of genetics, even of human temperament. How we react is dictated by undigested negative emotional energy. More precisely, which negative emotion we have the most of determines the energetic level, the identifiable wavelength.

Whether someone has or has not been able to put down the negative emotions and whether they vibrate at higher frequencies, have reached the level of acceptance, of neutrality, of love, you can know from the fact that they are only the spectator of things. They are not emotionally affected by events, they are not offended, they are not angry, they are not judgmental, they are not defiant, they do not feel anything negative. They accept and take note of challenges and react verbally only if someone has asked them specifically for their opinion. Expressing an unsolicited opinion is tantamount to judgement, which is the level of PRIDE. Any case of being clever, any arrogant remark, sarcastic comment is a sign that the person is flowing the energies of PRIDE, which even though is higher a vibration than fear or anger, but it still belongs among destructive energies and the person who is being arrogant is pulling down both him-herself and those around them.

It is not the intellect but our emotions that determine our reactions. Our reactions are both an indication of the level we are at and also press us into that particular frequency, due to which we will attract exactly events that are in harmony with that vibration, which are on the same wavelength.

So if we feel ashamed, then soon events will unfold in such a way that we will feel ashamed again. If we feel like a victim, we will again and again be victimized by circumstances until we allow our emotions to rule us.

Our fate will be determined by whichever emotional level we are on the most. Look out! Our job is not to suppress our feelings, for then fate will exacerbate negative events to confront our self. Events are generated, re-created in a circle. Above all, our emotions must be recognized, understood and conclusions drawn as to what needs to be re-evaluated within ourselves. Then once recognized, thank them for the opportunity to learn and let them go. With long cherished negative emotions, we pollute and drag down not only ourselves, but everyone we are in contact with.

For example, 5 minutes of anger produces so much toxin that the body can break it down only in 2 months, and so it is with grief, with envy, and what is almost obligatory nowadays, and I cannot say it enough, pride. Pride, arrogance, is the most telling sign that a person is unhappy. A happy individual is happy when everyone around them smiles. An unhappy person is unable to tolerate the happiness of others and tries to "break" the vibration of happy people with a malicious remark. Unhappiness and arrogance are independent of education, anyone can be their prisoner. What happens next depends on how one reacts. If the person being talked at smiles and responds kindly, they help to raise the unhappy vibrations of the person who made the malicious remark. If they retort, then they have picked up the gauntlet, stepped into the energies of arrogance and identified with the unhappy person's vibration. They may be given a moment of triumph, but in reality, they have only harmed themselves, because the other person was already unhappy anyway and cannot be pushed further down. We may chew over it for days afterwards. Whether we are still angry with the other person for having that mean remark, or we feel guilty for having said something back, or perhaps we feel ashamed for not being able to control ourselves, the first, the second, and even the third are also negative energy, it is only that anger has a slightly higher frequency. Do not get me wrong, anger is also a destructive energy, it is just easier to get out of it than of guilt or shame if you catch yourself in time.

The biggest problem is that many people are unable to recognise the emotional state of others, and often even their own state of mind, and what is more, some have developed denial or self-deception to an almost artistic level. Some people believe that if they deny the existence of their emotions, then there will be no consequences.

My favourite thing is when I am angry with someone and they want to put me in my place-they have the remark, "don't get nervous". The very fact that the person needed to make such a remark is an indication that they are at the level of PRIDE. At the higher vibrations of the level of acceptance or neutrality, or perhaps love, they would listen to my rant and also quiet it with that accepting energy. They would smile, with which they would indicate understanding and they would help me to find myself, to calm down.

Unfortunately, I have only had the pleasure of experiencing this a few times so far, but I am hopeful that if I work on myself more, I will have less to huff about. I always think with gratitude of a relative in Kosice who showed me how to respond well, but it took me decades to be able to do something like that, but I still have a lot to learn.

When I went to visit my relatives at the age of 17, I was in a bit of a grumpy mood, like all teenagers when it comes to visiting elderly relatives where you have to behave according to other people's expectations. When Aunt Eva asked about my well-being, I add my parents were not present, I arrogantly shook off my relative, who was about 50 years older than me. She could have scolded me, she could have knocked me on the head, she could have complained to my mother, but she just smiled and said, "I see you're in a bad mood, my Lei, that's OK, I'll ask again later." She found the plug brilliantly and the energy of arrogance in me immediately subsided.

In each case, the energies are working back and forth. In fact, this would be a case of, "if someone throws a stone at you, throw back bread", but in everyday life only exceptional people apply this teaching.

Since I am not always able to flow the higher vibrations, I must think over for my own sake twice, but maybe even twelve times, in whose presence I can allow myself to be angry. Such is the case with other feelings as well. I know when to share my enthusiasm with whom, and when I need to be silent instead if I do not want to be floored by another just because their level of unhappiness cannot receive my higher frequency.

I have recently understood why I cannot tolerate the presence of others when I am grieving. Grieving is a natural process, a part of letting go. It is easiest to process in silence. "Clever" words of reason can be very disturbing when one wants to be with the departing loved one in spirit, but some people claim our attention for themselves and instead of offering support, they energetically bring us down. They want to play saviour a little, not knowing that the greatest help is if it is with their presence that they participate in our grieving and they are just silent. In this case too, it is acceptance that helps one rise from the energy of grief.

As far as my work is concerned, my experience is that many people pick up the phone and call me to strip energy off me by complaining and lecturing me. Well, I am not willing to do that, I do not allow anyone to do that anymore. Of course, I am happy to be at the disposal of anyone who asks for help, but only if they are able to talk factually and primarily, tell me what happened and not how they feel about it, what their opinion is of whom.

If, however, the person wants to talk because they are asking for a release session and want to filter their uncontrolled emotions in this way, I will be available. Anyone who is in trouble, can make an appointment for stress release and we can release the pent-up tension, but in private conversations, I want neither emotional tsunamis, nor the slander of others, nor political agitation, and I will not even listen to advertising salesmen. The telephone amplifies signals, that is the principle of its operation, but it also amplifies negative vibrations, and that is why I do not make phone calls for anything other than to briefly fix or clarify details.

Emotional upset is of course allowed during kinesiology sessions, treatments, since it is exactly the point for the individual to complain, talk out their problems, get rid of frustration. I have learnt a lot of techniques that help my clients to let go of the accumulated negative emotions and this way to move up a level.

Private conversations are not the place to pour negative emotions onto the other person, and by doing so, push the other person down to a lower level. For that, there are professionals who have the knowledge and protection to be solid supports for our emotional upheavals. There are techniques for listening, hearing, for receiving words, for receiving without judgement.

This technique has existed as long as there has been religion. It is just called confession. One confesses what one has been hiding, perhaps even from oneself. The priest imposes the penance, the amount of "Lord's Prayers", "Hail Marys" imposed indicates the depth of the sin, the negative emotional state, and when the person prays off the imposed task, she-he releases the guilt over his actions, perhaps anger, fear, desire towards others, and thus their energies become purified. When a person receives a priestly blessing, it is as if they have washed their clothes in bleach. The Lord flows the higher frequencies to the repentant soul as if the celestial energy were water and the priest were the showerhead through which the celestial blessing flows, and thus the higher frequencies free the believer from negative vibrations. Of course, this is only possible if the person confesses her-his faults, and only the sins they have actually confessed are absolved.

There are other ways in which the celestials help, but more on these later.

In any case, our lives would be spectacularly improved if we at least went to church regularly for a little soul bath.

If you do not believe in God, if you do not trust priests, then look for helpers with academic titles, or people like me.

An undigested negative emotion can dominate our mind for about 28 days. I am talking about a single negative experience. When a humiliation, a feeling of shame is repeated by blaming, calling one to account, the 28 days start again without the previous one being released. This is why those who have been shamed too much, called to account too many times, after a while, stop responding to the words, because their brain capacity can no longer hold, analyse and tolerate more negative emotions.

If the negative emotion cannot be digested, let go, understood, forgiven within 28 days, the particular experience will be relegated to the subconscious level. Without being aware of it, we expect the unpleasant situation to repeat itself. Fate, or more precisely, our vibratory level at the moment, automatically produces situations and events that give us the chance to recognize and let go of the undigested emotional energy. It can be predicted what kind of trial a particular negative mental state will attract. Trials give us a chance to learn how to respond differently. BUT! The moment we bang our arm on the doorknob, how many people remember that they got this because they were nursing guilt a few days before? When our valuables are stolen or we get burned, how many people remember to cry out, thank you God for giving me the opportunity to swap the cancer I have caused with my anger, for this pain and loss? Does anyone who hears or reads this writing know that the weather anomaly, the windstorm, tornado, or even the household appliances breaking down in our homes, is because of exaggerated pride?

I think it would be worth trying to see how our destiny would change if we went to church regularly, as well as stress release sessions, if we prayed daily, or meditated, did mantras, went to bed at night giving thanks for all the good things. If perhaps we noticed the beauty of life. If we forgave others for mistreating us, forgave ourselves for not having been able to control ourselves, for making mean remarks, for being silly, for forgetting things, for flying into a rage, and at least in spirit, if we apologised to those we have hurt or not listened to, then there would be no need for the annoying, destructive warning signs.

It is gratitude and forgiveness that can turn any negative energy around. I would love to finally meet at least one person who is more in a state of gratitude and forgiveness than in a negative state of mind during the day. I would love to put out his-her picture, but I only know of a few, the first being Jesus Christ, then Gandhi, Mother Teresa and John Paul II, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Say baba. Magda Szabo, Maria Szepes, the yogi Mama Etka were so. There must be other unknown ordinary heroes who are able to flow higher frequencies, otherwise the planet would have exploded long ago from all the bloated people, all the anger and pride that people generate.

At the time when Gandhi was beaten up by his captors, he said, "They saw fit to do it". He did not complain, he did not get angry, he accepted his fate.

Why do we expect positive changes when even those who pray day in and day out to be forgiving, are unable to forgive? The fault is not in prayer, but in the heads. That is where we must decide if we want change. Blustering, complaining, criticism will bring only destruction.

When undigested events enter the subconscious, we no longer deal with them daily, but our system wants to get rid of the polluting energies, so at night, in our sleep, when we cannot control our emotions, our body tries to get rid of the tormenting problems. By now, brain scientists have proven that what our brain radiates out during the night is picked up by others and they subconsciously tune in to us, aligning with us. It is this night-time attunement that determines how we will behave towards each other the next time we meet. Attention! Our brain only wants to get rid of low frequency emotions. If they are not released, we are broadcasting to the world that this negative state is the natural feeling of life for us, we expect this from the world and the world will reciprocate this accordingly.

By the way, it is worth paying attention to what we dream about. Dreams are not a sign of the future, but understanding dreams helps us to recognise what we are suppressing in ourselves. All the characters in our dreams are ourselves, more precisely, what we project onto others. If we kill someone in our dream, it does not mean that we hate that person, but that we deny the destructive effect of the other person's behaviour on us, or more precisely, that our emotional reaction to the other person's behaviour is detrimental to our peace of mind, that we cannot accept, be receptive towards that person. We should not blame the other person for what we perceive to have been inappropriate behaviour, whether in reality or in our dreams. We must look for the fault within ourselves and our dreams provide some guidance in this.

An emotionally and spiritually adult person will never blame the other person. They always react to everything by looking for what they need to recognize from the situation, what events are trying to teach them.

The subconscious tries to signal the overload for half a year. If similar things happen to us in a series, it is a signal of what we need to process. I will write about this in more detail in part two, what particular events are warning us about. If we fail to recognise the instruction within six months, then the negative emotion is transferred to the body level and the brain stops sending the signals. The event gets boxed in and forgotten, but it still stays there. The boxed negative emotion is a time bomb waiting for the moment when it can manifest again in the form of a physical symptom. The receptors in the brain that store the memory are then isolated, and the neurons that lead to the information are removed. Every part of the body, every organ has its own nerve ending in the brain. Daniel Whiteside has linked emotions to parts of our body, so we can pinpoint the connection between emotions, a particular part of the body and areas in the brain. The more undigested emotions are boxed up in our brain, the more cells are segregated in a particular area, the more likely the distortion will affect our physique, the part of the body or organ associated with that locked area.

If we cannot change our reactions for many years, if we cannot digest our negative emotional reactions to certain events within 10-20 years, either, if we always react in the same way, then we have only the disease left as a warning, as the last chance to change.

There are minor illnesses that are rather annoying, but there are also fatal ones.

I used to say, or it has been my experience specifically, that cancer is the easiest to cure, because once the person realises undigested anger at who or what caused the anomaly, the cancer cells can regress in a matter of days. I have had a few cases of sudden recovery where surgery was no longer necessary, and I have also had cases where the person died rather than forgave.

Intellectual digestion of our emotions speeds up healing. Panaceas only work if there is an intellectual and emotional transformation. If we recover from an illness, but the negative emotional background is not digested, our body will soon produce another illness, one with the same frequency as the one from which we have already recovered. Illnesses hit us one after another, we recover from one, another comes along until we step out of the particular emotional level.

Since the negative emotional reaction to the event that triggered the illness was 15-20 years before the illness occurred, without help, it is difficult to recall what the person cannot forgive. Many people only remember their greatest hurt, even though the first negative reaction has to be extracted first, but the memory of that is obscured by the more intense emotion.

That is why there are many more sick people today, and many more sicknesses in a given person, because a long time ago, people used to confess, they used to work off and let go of their negative feelings in time.

Today, most of our fellow human beings would not even know where to begin the enumeration.

When I was a child, my grandmothers always told me to be a good girl, because everything I did, everything I thought, was recorded above. That is indeed so. Every event is there inside us. Our brains have a huge capacity. It is the undigested emotions that take up the storage space and our memory deteriorates more and more. Thanks to the release of negative emotions, the brain capacity of those who regularly attend stress release sessions improves, they wish to do more serious mental work. They start studying or start their own business and begin to believe in God.

But what happens to those who do not realise that our souls need constant cleansing just like our hair or our clothes. Mental hygiene is almost more important than brushing our teeth.

Many do not realize that we live in close symbiosis with Mother Earth. If we flow a lot of negative energy, she reacts with natural disasters. As I have mentioned before, PRIDE generates destructive winds, ANGER earthquakes. If the energy of lamentation and despair reaches critical levels, drought can be expected, where there is much complaining, nature's response is floods. If we feel sorry for the victims of the disaster, we are pushing them down. If we pray for them, we give them strength. Our Earth has its own means of defusing the accumulated tensions, but this, too, is the subject of another writing.

Just as nature reacts to particular negative energies with disasters, forcing us to change, to build a new one of something, to think differently in physical space, so it is a given for the human body which negative emotional state will produce which illness. Small blocks in a particular area of the brain will also manifest in the corresponding organs, and gradually their vibration will decrease, our body parts and organs will become ill.

Whether one believes in it or not, my abilities are a given. Among other things, I can sense who has what reserve of life energy. When the adrenal glands' energies are depleted, that's when fatal accidents occur, which could have been avoided if the person had released the stress in time. This one of my abilities is completely useless, as I cannot tell it to the person with low vibration, because then I would influence the person's free will. When I do speak up, the people I warn behave condescendingly with me anyway. I had constant guilt over the deaths of young people who could have been saved. The guilt has had its result in the form of generalised thrombosis. According to the doctors, my veins in my digestive tract, kidneys and legs became blocked to such an extent that they did not think I would survive. The veins symbolize the joy of life. The constant guilt of not being able to use my abilities well, the constant calling to account whether spoken or unspoken by my family for my constant exhaustion and inability to perform "adequately" on the physical plane, have caused a thrombosis that until now medicine has only seen on the autopsy table. I admit it was very difficult to manage my abilities on my own, and I was somewhat ashamed of what I could do. People either feared me or thought I was an idiot. I wanted to get out of life very much. Now this illness has been one of the greatest lessons for me and I am grateful for the opportunity. It has made me realise the power of my own abilities to turn things around back into a positive direction in the most impossible situations. Now that I have experienced what it is like when doctors open their arms wide helplessly and that I have still come back from there, in fact, I have grown a lot in my own eyes. From then on, it has been irrelevant to me who thinks what about me, because now I know what I know, and I am infinitely grateful for it. Until then, I used to see my abilities as a burden, but now I accept them as a blessing and I am grateful for every moment I get to peek behind the veil.

I have come to realise that the laws of physics were written by God, the pieces of my worldview have come together, which I am trying to articulate in this writing.

But let us look further at my experience. Fortunately, I have also had a lot of successes in my work. I have had clients who could be saved, more precisely, who asked me to keep them alive. One of them, for example, seemed to be going to have a flying accident. He had to go to America, so he came for a stress release session before it. When he flew off, he missed his connection there. First, he wanted to call me to say something still was not okay because he had lost a lot of money. Of course, when the plane he was going to fly on crashed, he was grateful to be able to buy his life back with the price of a plane ticket and, of course, his time for the sessions. Another client of mine escaped the accident by getting out of his car just before a truck crushed his vehicle. Of course, he also complained about his loss, but when I asked him if he thanked his guardian angel for guiding him to me so that his fate could be changed? He was silent. If there is no thank you, there is a price to pay. Everything has a price. If one is averse to praying, to giving thanks, she-he should not be surprised if he-she has to settle the score on the physical plane and give back energetically what they have received help for. It is not the material itself that is the payment, but the energy with which he earned the price of the car, its repair.  The work he did, the "pilgrimage" is the means of payment.

I am a God-fearing but church-denying person, but the Lord's Prayer is an amazingly well-written petition in which we submit our need to the celestials for what we ask for help with.

This is the planet of free will. We are free to choose whether or not we believe in God. God will not be angry if we don't believe in him, but then he will not help us, either. We can also decide for ourselves what form we believe in Him. The most important phrase in the Lord's Prayer is, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us". It would be good if everyone could grasp this sentence, at least this sentence, and really sincerely asked for and practised forgiveness. The world would be a much better place and our fate would be a lot better.

It would be nice if everyone finally took responsibility for their own fate, or at least those who consider themselves intellectuals!

If someone does not have time to go to church regularly, or if there is no denomination in the area that matches their beliefs, do not give up. The will to become better will bring the opportunities, if not otherwise, then through the Internet. I myself work mostly through skype.

Stress release disregards any religion or ethnicity. Emotions, brain functions, emotional reactions are the same all over the world.

It would be advisable for everyone to go to stress release at least once a month, or go to church on Sundays, and go to confess from time to time. This works if you want to maintain a certain situation.

In China, in the imperial court, the doctor was paid to keep the emperor from getting sick. They paid great attention to the preservation of health. If the emperor fell ill, the doctor was executed.

It is very important to understand that if something is wrong with us or a loved one, we should make more sacrifices, we should go to church more, make offerings, make pilgrimages to holy places, donate, give to charity. If we do not have the time or energy for all this, we should at least go to stress release sessions more often. Let us take responsibility for our lives at last. Blaming others is the lowest vibration. When we criticize and talk of others disparagingly behind their back, we pull everyone down to a lower level. Let us not let such toxic people interfere with our destiny.

Politics is one of the darkest energies. Anyone who pushes their own political views on us unasked, should be left alone immediately before they could drag us into their own dark energies. By the way, I perceive a lie as a burlesque film. If one's intentions are pure, one's presence through the screen is as powerful as if it were three-dimensional, as if it were bulging out of the flat screen. Someone who is lying is constantly flickering, as if the transmission signal is dropping out, or as if a few frames of film are missing. Fortunately, since 2011, more and more children are being born who also have this ability, they can see through the lie. We have to wait many years still, but at least the future is clear, there is hope for posterity. But until then, let us bring that future forward, let us do something for it every day.

Let us remember to be grateful every night for all the good we get, or at least that nothing bad has happened to us. Let us forgive ourselves if we have done something wrong and forgive others for having treated us badly. The energies of gratitude and forgiveness purify our negative thoughts, transform negative emotions, and so we can lay our heads down for a sweet sleep. When the brain is unencumbered by undigested negative emotions, our dreams become happy ones. Our brain emits a higher frequency, which ensures that we attract people who are happy, helpful, and loving. Our dreams become realities, while nightmares generated by unresolved negative emotions dissolve and get released to make way for a life of better quality.

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